Monday, April 28, 2008

Double entendre

Now I'm just being a little bit big headed. I changed my profile picture just now and when I saved it a comment came on the screen - Fetching profile picture. My initial thiought was "That's nice, 'they' think my picture looks nice." Then in the next moment my brain caught up and I realised 'they' meant - Gettting profile picture. Slap head.


Anonymous said...

for what it's worth dee, i think your quite fetching!

Joey said...

lol, thats funny as!

im pretty excited you commented me because mum told me the whole story about your blog and i was wanting to find it!
i think that blogs are pretty much the best things ever, lol

hey i havent seen you at work lately... you better not be shopping at coles lol

Rose said...

I agree with Joe. I was heaps excited that you commented me! Comments on my blog are always from my family members (not that I mind that, I think they're great!) I love all your blogs. They remind me of things I want to write, but never do...

You have officially inspired me to write a new blog!


Sarie said...

Great for a story! We would never know these daily funny happenings if it weren't for blogs!

Dinah said...

Your fetching to me baby....A/di

ariana said...

So funny. A number of years ago when I was at BYU, a friend of ours arrived in sweater that looked particularly good on him. However, my roommate's comment, "That is a fetching sweater," was met by a shocked expression from the recipient's face. Apparently, he thought that fetching was a euphemism for that other F-word that some people like to interject into every other sentence. I can definitely attribute much of my vocabulary to my diverse heritage, and am grateful for it.
Lots of love

Dee said...

I remember Kate had a boyfriend who was intimidated by the fact that she had a degree and he didn't that he kept thinking she was making up words like 'supercilious' so that she could sound smart. Little did he know she is smart.

Kate said...

Yes, and now my husband thinks I just make up words like 'full as a goog'