Friday, April 25, 2008


People talk about the ANZAC spirit as though it's something you can learn. It's not. It's just something that you are. It's a little something like this. Taking pride in who you are yet not being prideful. It's pitching in for people you don't know/barely know/have known all your life without question. You can't make it a law or a question in a test. When you see it you'll know it.

Today was a public holiday. There's something about it that throws me every time. All day I have been thinking that tomorrow is Sunday and then as soon as I have thought that I have realized that it is just Friday today and the week hasn't flown so fast and I feel like I have scored an extra day. I know I didn't really get an extra day but just feeling like it is enough to make me feel better about doing stuff. I had an excellent bonus day today.

I got carried away with photo editing. and I'm back 3 hours later. It really is Saturday now. Wow that bonus day made me very tired.
Last week Ailish came over for a couple of days because it was school holidays and Kristie has to still work. Mum and I love to hang out with Ailish and look forward to next year when the boys are in school as well and Mum and I can argue over who is going to spend the holidays with the kids, her or me. Last Thursday we all thought to go for a walk down to the shops but before we got 10 meters from our yard a stray dog came up to us. Our street is a bad spot for stray animals because kids are always speeding around the blind curve. So I felt compelled to capture the little dog and take her home, end of walk for now. Ailish gave the dog a couple of names in the next 1/2 hour while we waited for the council to pick her up. The last name was Puppy. While we were playing outside with the dog Gus kept reminding me of how brave he was, which makes me think that he wasn't feeling very brave at all. I don't think it would have been too hard for him to be brave because Puppy didn't bark and I had to keep telling Ailish to put the dog down. She would do this for about a minute then pick her right back up again. They were all sorry to see Puppy go. Don't tell Mick but for a bit I thought maybe we could get a dog. Then I thought again. Me get a dog? No way!


Kristie said...

That's all Ailish could speak about - the puppy that she could pick up and carry around. When we got home she went straight to Jett and tried to pick him up. No amount of telling her that Jett was bigger and heavy stopped her trying...she didn't succeed. xx

Kris said...

Hi Dee!

Well, this is the comment I promised. Feel free to check out my blog. I also have links to my kids' blogs and some of my favourites too!

Sarie said...

Cute photos! Wish I lived closer to my sisters... but I have Jake's sisters which are just as good!

Anonymous said...

i love the way you cropped the shot with the 3 of them on the swings - very cool.

one of our current dogs was a stray that a neighbor on the next street found and we ended up with - to this day i'm not certain how that happened.

Jessiesmylieyahoo,com said...