Tuesday, April 20, 2010

It starts with a 'c'

It was my first day of school today.

I learnt about a type of poem. I forget what it's called but it starts with a 'c'.
It has five lines
First line is one words about the item (Noun)
Second line is two words to describe it (Adjective)
Third line is three action words (Verb)
Fourth line is a four word sentence about the object (sentence)
Fifth line is one word giving another name to the object (Noun)


Big, busy

Sitting, writting, counting

79 days to go


Give it a go.

Year 1's can do it.


Kate said...

Gorgeous, clever
Teaching, loving, cooking
Always a wonderful friend

How did I go?

Dinah said...

You look gorgeous and oh so sophisticated. Love the new do and more especially I just love you...........xoxoxox