Monday, May 10, 2010

Reflect, reflect, reflect.

I learnt my first two big lessons in teaching last week.

  1. don't try to fit a whole unit of work into one 45 min lesson

  2. don't do a really cool activity with 1/4 of the students and not think the other 3/4 will really want to do it too.

Other than these two biggies I'm learning a lot from my two mentor teachers. Today Amanda taught me that not every moment needs to be a teaching moment. Some task are for discovery. I have been watching two very good teachers over the last three weeks and my stress pendulum is starting to shift. I don't spend so much time in panic mode anymore. I'm beginning to spend more time in 'I could probably do this' mode with short burst in panic mode before I put on my teacher inner voice and say 'I can do this. I don't have to be all knowing and all wonderful. These girls have been doing this job for a very long time. I'll get there too.' And most times I believe it and when I don't I fake it.


civetta said...

It sounds like you are being well prepared Dee. I'm so happy for you and pleased that you are doing this course. The world needs wonderful people just like you to teach our children. Thankyou!

ingrid said...

I'm so glad that this is such a learning experience for you too. Wouldnt it be boring if you knew you could "already do it all" & you knew you were the "best" & didnt feel the need to listen to those more experienced than you at teaching. (of course I know you can already do it & that you are the best)