Saturday, October 18, 2008

I climbed a mountain today

It's insidious. Growing at such a deceptive rate that I didn't notice it until it was too late. When I did look back I was alarmed and then depressed. The mountain that had seemingly grown overnight looked insurmountable. Not knowing where to start I let it grow for a bit longer. Despite knowing that the longer I left it to grow the harder it would be to turn around. Growing and growing, I passed it several times a day turning my blind eye and hoping that the space time continuum would take care to reverse my misfortune. But alas and alack it was not to be. No kind stranger took pity on me to restore the order that was so badly missing. No friend visited, mystically knowing that I would accept a helping hand to quash the chaos. I spent longer than necessary at base camp.
Until this morning. I took a deep breath and dove in. I started with the spent items then moved on to the books. I put away boxes of things that didn't even belong in the room let alone on the desk. The rest I stacked in a pile to be sorted, later. The job was not as bad as I had made it out to be. I was impressed with how little time it took to reclaim my sacred space. Now I sit at the alter of modern life with a clear keyboard ready to do all the things I have been putting off because tomorrow finally came.


Sarie said...

Love the photos. Glad you were able to clear the desk and clear your head!

Anonymous said...

oh happy day!!! i know EXACTLY where you're coming from...been there...doing that! i have numerous "for later" piles/boxes to go thru...i know the day is not far off that i too will purge myself of much of the unnecessary crap that spontaneously breeds week by week. good job, dee...

oh, and i am way jealous that you have one of those mouse-pen things...i want to be able to justify buying one one of these days.

love you all...

Kristie said...

Nice work - glad to see the computer up and running.

Ash said...

How is it that the computer desk always gets the most cluttered and the most dusty? It is definitely one of my least favorite things to clean and organize, so I'm happy for you for getting it done!

Anonymous said...

Hey Dee,
I discovered your blog from your facebook page :) I love reading your blog and seeing photos of the kids. They are extreemly atractive! ;)

civetta said...

Hey ChickaDee!
I know those mountains! I'm sorry my intuition was not working when you needed my help. Next time just call okay?! An extra set of hand makes light of those mountains, plus the company makes it more bearable.
GLad you got it done though. Doesn't it feel good to have "Done it all by yourself"?
Catch up soon.
Love Wendy

SamD said...

LOL, I thought it was my desk I was looking at...

Rachel Brown said...

you could be describing my bedroom. i always help the children clean theirs and then i'm too tired to tackle mine. Way to go!

Irish said...

Your Tagged with a Photo tag !!