Gus has a couple of best friends. Rip-a-Lee, Oukie, Bimza, Shrek and Giggles. When we go out Gus will ask if one of his friends can come too. This short exchange will go something like this.
"Get in the car Gus."
"Can Oukie come?"
He'll then find his friend and say to him, "Yay! Oukie you can come."
He'll then find his friend and say to him, "Yay! Oukie you can come."
A week ago we go in the car without the usual song and dance. As we were pulling out of the driveway I asked Gus if he was okay. He says to me "No Mum Oukie slap-da-me."
I was suprised and a little amused as I said "Really Gus? Why did he slap you."
"He just slap-da-me."
"Did you get cross with him?"
"He just slap-da-me."
"Did you get cross with him?"
"Me telled him off."
"What happened?"
"He didn't listen to me."
"Oh well you can just play with your other friends when we get home. Okay Gus?"
"No Mum, Shrek slap-da-me, Bimza slap-da-me, Rip-a-Lee slap-da-me, Giggles slap-da-me."
"What did you do?"
"No, I didn't do anything they slap-da-me!"
"No, I didn't do anything they slap-da-me!"
"Okay Gus you're okay now. We'll be at Granny's soon."