Friday, February 20, 2009


Poppy stuck her tongue out today. I came home and she was standing in the foyer looking adorable with her tongue deliberately protuding beyond her rose coloured lips. Mick hadn't seem her do it yet. She had saved this cool new trick for when I got home. Obviously assuaging her guilt from when she had learnt to blow rasberries while I was at work and by the time I got home had forgotten how to do it.
Today she was making ammends. Then I spent the next 3 hours poking my tongue out at her and laughing encourgingly when she did the same. I began to wonder if I was teaching her a useful life skill. I then began to ponder how long would it be until I tell her off for sticking her tongue out.

Has anybody done a study on when "it's" not cute anymore? Is there a number when the magic disappears or does it slowly fade until you can't remember when it was cute? In lue of answers I'll just enjoy the magic while it lasts. Maybe if I hold on tight enough the magic will never go away.


Kristie said...

For the moment just enjoy - as long as she's not sticking her tongue in your ear.

This comment reads all wrong and I should delete it but you know what I mean.....don't you?

civetta said...

It's so hard not to be taken in when all our children are doing is learning about the world and their bodies.