Sunday, May 18, 2008

This is it

Tomorrow morning I'm going back to work. Monday-Friday 9am-3pm. No Au Pair. No nanny. No child care, we can't afford them. No grandparents (mine works and the others are unavailabe for different reasons).There are 7 weeks left in this term. There are 26 weeks left of school before Christmas holidays, and I am counting.
With the other two I was ready to go back to work, Zac was 5 months and Gus was 4 months, like Poppy. I'm not ready this time. I've been enjoying Zac's company so much, he has just started helping me to empty the dish washer and we talk about important stuff like fires, earthquakes and death. I can't wait to pick him up from kindy to hear what new piece of information he has learnt that day. Or to talk to his teachers and hear how much they too enjoy his quick thinking and cheeky ways.
I love being at home with Gus. He has no trouble playing on his own and he is so funny. He loves to kick a ball and swing in the back yard. He is potty training during the day and I wont be at home to hear him walk naked into the lounge room and say "I did poo on the potty Mum. I need a lolly."
I'm scared to leave Poppy at home with all the boys. I've been trying for 6 days to wean her during the days. today she drank the most in one day from a bottle, 80mls. The intended amount for a 4month old is 800mls per day. I'm pretty sure she is trying to make up the difference when I give her the night time feed. And she has actually lost her voice from all the resistance crying that she has done. She is showing her true colours as a stubborn, strong willed little lady.
I am going to miss them all so much. Mick, Sweetie they are all yours.
So tomorrow I get to go play with other people's children. That is a whole nother world of fun.
Bring it on.


Kristie said...

I know how you are feeling. I love my days off but by the time it's time to go to work I'm over being involved in UN negotiations between the boys. But after my couple of days at work all I want to do is stay home with the kids. I don't know what the solution is but you just have to make the most of every moment.

Hope your day went well. xx

Anonymous said...

by time you read this you will have finished your first day - hope it all went well and everyone involved survived it well.

Sarie said...

Hope going back was alright. You're a strong lady, just like Poppy! Best of luck!

Corrie- said...

I hope your day went alright. I'm sure your little ones were just as anxious to play with you and you were to play with them when you got home.

Dinah said...

You have "strong woman" genes, meaning we take what life hands us and make the very best of it. The boys and Poppy will appreciate you when you come home more and the kids at school get to enjoy you too....share the love. I hope the day back went as well as you wanted it to and that the house was still intact when you got

Anonymous said...