Sunday, March 16, 2008

join 'em

You know how it goes. There are the pioneers and explorers and then there's everyone else, bandwagon jumpers, followers, copy cats, sheep.

I'm sure some grumpy old person will bemoan the loss of conversation skills, correct grammar or lack of serious content to the posted word. But you know what, before I started reading the blogs posted by my family I knew very little about them. This is because I didn't write to them or call them. I used to wait until Mum or Granny had spoken to or got a letter from an aunt to find out what the cousins were doing. I thought if I enjoy reading about Ari's wedding plans or Jesse's regular posts in the middle of the night there is a chance you might like to read about me. I had previously thought that blogging was the domain of the angst ridden teenagers to post their angst ridden poetry or bully and bitch about class mates. Now that I've seen all my cousins and aunts blogs (not an angst ridden teenager or bully among them) I now realize the the truth. Blogging is for the hard working woman who doesn't get out (except to go do paid work) to see her friends or make new ones because there's always one child sleeping/sick/hungry/too naughty to take out in polite society.

So I joined them.


Kristie said...

Welcome. Did you read the fine print before starting... "blogging is addictive". Now we just have get Ingrid hooked. Thanks for the pic from the monster trucks, hope you had a noisy and fun evening. Love me

Kate said...

I'm so glad you've started too. Now you just have to post some photos - especially of Erin. I've been meaning to call you. Will probably call when I've had the bub and tell you all the gory details. We need to have another girl cousin night - they are the best.

Anonymous said...

this just keeps getting better and better!!! i love it! caitlin, our oldest, is coming to visit in august - still need to finalize dates etc. - it is wonderful to know that she can read all these things about long lost cousins, and feel as though she will know you and yours, even tho you've never met! can't wait to see some pictures. love you all.

Ash said...

YAY!! I'm so glad you started one! I love seeing pictures and reading what you guys have to say. We miss you guys and since we are so far away this is a nice way to stay caught up. :)

Jessiesmylieyahoo,com said...